Welcome to Akurāt – a Bratislava-based clothing brand founded in 2021 by us, Zuzana Frnkova and Miriam Trnkova, best friends and fashion enthusiasts with a keen eye for interior design and architecture. As mums with four kids, we ethically favour comfortable clothes made of high-quality and environmentally-responsible materials. We have transformed our lifestyle into our clothing brand, and we design dresses that we’re confident you’ll love and look great wearing in contemporary urban landscapes.


Loyal clients before business profits.

Comfort is our mantra, and we aim our products at women who value quality fabrics and clever cuts. Our philosophy has three pillars - comfort (for super-pleasurable wear), high-quality materials (for durability), and super-precise sewing (for quality). And above all our philosophy is practical – our customers return to us because they enjoy wearing our dresses.


The concept of sustainable fashion inspires us to innovate and imagine a better world. And we put this into practise by cooperating with European fabric suppliers that repurpose high quality designer fabrics from prestigious brands’ overproduction and dead-stock . All of our fabrics have Circular Fabric Standard and we produce only in limited quantities to reduce waste.


Our concepts and sketches are skilfully transformed into real dresses by our Slovak tailoresses’ expert nimble hands. All our products are lovingly sewn at a cosy tailor company in Slovakia. We favour a personal approach both with customers and suppliers, promoting individuality in our relationships and through our range.